Friday, July 16, 2010

30 Day Challenge! - Day 4

My sibling:

I love my brother. He is 7 years older than me and one of my favorite people on this planet. Even though we fight sometimes, my brother never fails to make me laugh. He is a talented great guy who I look up to and am even jealous of. My brother is seriously good at everything he puts his mind to, which makes me somewhat jealous sometimes! He looks identical to Ryan Sheckler, except my brother used to be a boxer so he is more muscular. Me and him are super close. Ever since we were little we would make some food and sit down and watch tv or the soccer game or boxing match. We would play cards, board games, soccer or even work out together. From food network shows to family guy and favorite movies, to wrestling and playing soccer till we were exhausted, these are moment I will never forget. He always has my back, stands up for me and supports me. He helps me make the right decisions and gives me advice. One of the hardest times in my life was when he moved out. This was only a couple of months ago. I miss him bugging me everyday. I miss hearing him rap and sing our favorite songs in the morning. I miss always attacking him with hugs. I miss joking around and making fun of each other. I miss him always trying to cook food for me. I miss just seeing his face and hearing his voice everyday. Of course I still see him and talk to him. We text sometimes. When he comes over we even play soccer together and some video games on my ps3. But nothing compares to him living in the same house as me, I just miss the everyday presents of him. I love my brother!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the photos, loved the blog I will follow him
